
Herzhusten beim Hund - wie du sein Leben verlängerst

Mit zunehmendem Alter werden auch die Herzen unserer Hunde schwächer – oft unbemerkt. Manche Hunde bleiben bis ins hohe Alter fit und aktiv, sodass man kaum glauben könnte, dass etwas nicht stimmt.

Ein Symptom, das bei Hunden mit einer geschwächten Herzklappe (häufig altersbedingt, aber nicht immer) auftreten kann, ist der sogenannte Herzhusten

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Silvesterknallerei - Was tun gegen die Angst vom Hund?
Hunde reagieren an Silvester oft mit Angst auf die plötzlichen und lauten Geräusche des Feuerwerks. Diese Angst basiert auf einem Lernprozess im Gehirn, bei dem Reize und Reaktionen verknüpft werden. Um die Angst zu lindern, können wir den Hund umtrainieren. Hier erkläre ich dir warum der Hund Angst hat und wie man neurowissenschaftlich darauf reagiert, um diese zu lösen.
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STURMFREI® - Was tut es?
The STURMFREI® anti-stress harness belongs to the class of front harnesses/front harnesses. The front belt is used to brake and redirect the dog without any effort. What is the difference to standard chest harnesses and collars? In contrast to chest...
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Over 15,000 happy dogs and owners! We say thank you for that!

Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Leinenziehen mit Geschirr unterbrechen
Hundehalterung für Geschirr
Hundegeschirr gegen das Ziehen des Hundes an der Leine
weisses Hundegeschirr Biothane
reissfestes Hundegeschirr für ziehenden Hund
Geschirr mit Vorderring
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Hundebedarf für Hundetraining
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M
Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M

Anti-stress harness STURMFREI®, size M

Sale price€59,00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Product add-on (10% discount in the set with dog leash)

Does your dog pull, bark, freak out on the leash or not want to go for a walk anymore?

Experience a new walk. Release him from triggers that increase his excitement and guide him towards you as soon as the leash becomes taut.

Lead the dog from the front instead of punishing him by jerking his neck or chasing him by leading him by the back. You will see how your dog walks more calmly and more upright on the leash.

The pressure on the shoulder when pulling the leash provokes a distraction and enables the Dog to turn to where his attention should be directed. Dog encounters can be deescalated in this way and interrupted. For example, say "grapefruit" when you turn the dog towards you and he comes towards you. This will make it easy to call him even when he is running free or on a long leash. by the expression "grapefruit" (choose an expression that is different from common words the dog hears).

The leadership from the front:

  • Corresponds to biologically designed stimulus-response chains for stopping or steering (communication via the front area)
  • Allows the dog to continue to stay upright in the walk instead of stiffening
  • Reduces the risk of Leash aggression and biting
  • Gently brakes the dog at the shoulder when the leash is tightened and does not convey a feeling of strong threat (Collar)
  • Allows dog encounters to be interrupted stress-free by turning away
  • Does not trigger the chase (chest harnesses/pulling harnesses) and does not narrow the dog's field of perception - the dog is responsive
  • Can have a positive effect on health (fewer stress symptoms due to decreasing tension on the leash when tightened)
  • Supports the socialization of the dog and the development of a healthy dog ​​personality with social skills towards other dogs

    Determine the correct size based on the Size Chart .

    Sturmfrei® is protected by the European Union trademark EUTM 013790241 registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and by the European Patent EP 3 209 120